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时间:2013-06-08来源:未知 作者:admin

A statistical/quantitative geneticists post is available within the Quantitative Genetics and Genomics Group at the Roslin Institute. The project will focus on developing methods for identifying pleiotropic loci for multiple traits; and to apply these methods to different cancer sites, and/or to one cancer and intermediate quantitative traits. Over 60,000 samples genotyped at least for 300,000 SNPs will be available for analyses. Inquiries should be addressed to Albert Tenesa ( ).

The post holder must have a PhD in statistical genetics or related discipline (quantitative genetics, statistics, population genetics) or equivalent level of professional experience.

The ideal candidate will:

- Be proficient in statistical methodology, quantitative genetics and/or population genetics.

- Be a proficient programmer in languages appropriate for scientific computing (e.g. fortran, C, C++, or Java)

- Have experience in the use of mixed-models and/or Bayesian statistics.

- Have experience in developing new methodology.

- Have previous experience with high-throughput sequencing data.

- Have evidence of leading research and publishing their work in peer-reviewed journals

Ref: 012386 Closing Date: 27 th June 2013


