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时间:2014-03-10来源:博士人才网 作者:91boshi

A postdoc position is available in the Department of Physiology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

The lab focuses on mitochondrial pathology in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. We use a combinational approach, including in vitro cell culture, in vivo animal models and patient-derived neurons, to study how mitochondrial damage contributes to neurodegeneration. We also focus on development of reagents, which manipulate mitochondrial function, for the treatment of human diseases.

The successful applicant will participate in projects with the goal of elucidating molecular basis of mitochondrial quality control in neurodegenerative diseases. The qualified candidate should possess a PhD and/or MD degree in neuroscience, molecular biology, cell biology, pharmacology, or related field. Candidates with expertise in mitochondrial biology, neurobiology and metabolism are highly desired. Previous experience in animal models of neurological disorders is plus.


