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时间:2016-12-29来源:未知 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Statistics / Statistical Genetics

Employer:  CSIRO
Job Number:  4019389 (Ref.#. 30863)
Date Posted:  12/21/2016
Application Deadline: 1/17/2017

Job Description

- Are you a highly motivated recent (or near) PhD graduate with expertise in statistical / quantitative genetics?
- Prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship on offer - kick-start your research career
- Join CSIRO Data61, Australia's largest data innovation group

The Position

Postdoctoral Fellowships at CSIRO provide opportunities to scientists and engineers, who have completed their doctorate and have less than three years relevant postdoctoral work experience. These fellowships will help launch their careers, provide experience that will enhance their career prospects, and facilitate the recruitment and development of potential leaders for CSIRO.

Postdoctoral Fellows are appointed for up to three years and will work closely with a leading Research Scientist or Engineer in their respective field. They carry out innovative, impactful research of strategic importance to CSIRO with the possibility of novel and important scientific outcomes. They present the findings in appropriate publications and at conferences.

Data61 is the largest data innovation group in Australia. Bringing together CSIRO’s Productivity team and National ICT Australia (NICTA). We are unrivalled in our intellectual capital and our network with the global technology marketplace. The combined group will bring together approximately 600 research staff working in digital technologies to create benefit for Australia. Data61 will continue to develop Australia’s future leaders with its strong 300+ PhD student program in collaboration with our best universities across Australia.

This role will work closely with leading statistical capability in Data61 and with CSIRO Agriculture and Food to apply and develop statistical and computational methods for the design and analysis of agricultural experimental data to increase genetic gains and understanding of the genetic architecture of key traits in a range of species. This will be done within national and international settings, and as part of a diverse multidisciplinary team.

Location: Canberra, ACR
Salary: AU $78K - AU $88K plus up to 15.4% superannuation
Tenure: Specified Term of 3 years
Reference: 30863

A doctorate (or will shortly satisfy the requirements of a PhD) in a relevant discipline area, such as statistics or statistical / quantitative genetics.
Please note: To be eligible for this role you must have no more than 3 years of relevant postdoctoral experience.



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