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时间:2017-01-11来源:未知 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Fellow - Cancer Systems Imaging

Location:Houston, Texas
Salary:Salary is commensurate with level of experience.
Posted:January 06 2017
Ref:Dr. Kundra
Position Type:Full Time
Job Type:Postdoc

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow

Location: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

The group works on in vivo imaging of delivered genes for clinical translation, in vivo imaging of delivered cells, drug delivery and response, imagable models of cancer and nanoparticles. Basic, translational and clinical studies are pursued with an eye towards eventually improving patient care. Techniques run from molecular biology to in vivo imaging. In addition to his basic and translational laboratory in Cancer Systems Imaging, the group has access to state of the art small animal imaging instrumentation and multiple core facilities. Dr. Kundra performs clinical radiology and clinical research which augment the laboratory and vice versa.

The department of Cancer Systems Imaging (CSI) is one of the largest new programs at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center within the Division of Diagnostic Imaging.  The goal of this department and its research program is to develop new methodologies to visualize the cellular, biochemical, and genetic processes that contribute to the development and progression of cancer and cancer-related morbidity, and to translate these discoveries into the clinic.  

Postdoctoral Position:  There is an immediate opening for a postdoctoral fellow to help us to further develop and apply new chemistry and molecular biology techniques for imaging gene and cellular therapy including reporter systems and nanoparticles. Knowledge of immunology, such T-cell therapy, would be a plus. The individual would work directly under Dr. Vikas Kundra and would utilize chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology to develop new tools to characterize and manipulate biological systems.  The candidate should have a Ph.D. in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, bioengineering or biophysics from an accredited institution of higher learning with a solid publication record. Background or interest in radiochemistry would be an advantage. Experience in chemistry, cell culture, animal models of cancer, molecular biology including with viruses, and immunology would be advantageous for this multidisciplinary position.  This is a one-year position but has the potential of being extended.



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