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时间:2017-10-26来源:未知 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Research Positions LIGO Laboratory

$Attractive | United States | 28 Sep 2017

The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has as its goal the development of gravitational wave physics and astronomy. The LIGO Laboratory is managed by Caltech and MIT, and is funded by the National Science Foundation.  It operates observatory sites equipped with laser interferometric detectors at Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana, which recently made the first confirmed detection of gravitational waves. A vigorous LIGO Laboratory R&D program supports the development of enhancements to the LIGO detector as well as astrophysical data analysis, and development of future detectors and detector technologies.

The LIGO Laboratory anticipates having one or possibly more postdoctoral research positions at one or more of the LIGO sites – Caltech, MIT and at the two LIGO Observatories in Hanford, WA and Livingston, LA – beginning in Fall 2018.  Hires will be made based on the availability of funding. Successful applicants will be involved in the operation of LIGO itself, analysis of LIGO data, both for diagnostic purposes and astrophysics searches, and/or the R&D program for future detector improvements. We seek candidates across a broad range of disciplines. Expertise related to astrophysics, modeling, data analysis, electronics, laser and quantum optics, vibration isolation and control systems is desirable. Most importantly, candidates should be broadly trained scientists, willing to learn new experimental and analytical techniques, and ready to share in the excitement of building, operating and observing with a gravitational-wave observatory. Appointments at the post-doctoral level will initially be for one-year with the possibility of renewal for up to two subsequent years.

Applications for postdoctoral research positions with LIGO Laboratory should indicate which of the LIGO sites (Caltech, MIT, Hanford, or Livingston), if any, are preferred by the applicant, and which (if any) are likely to be unworkable. Applications should be sent to HR@ligo.caltech.edu (Electronic Portable Document Format (PDF) submittals are preferred).  Caltech and MIT are Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employers. Women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.

Applications should include curriculum vitae, list of publications (with refereed articles noted), and the names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three or more references. Please attach a cover letter describing past experience and current and future research interests. Applicants should request that three or more letters of recommendations be sent directly to HR@ligo.caltech.edu (Electronic Portable Document Format (PDF) submittals are preferred).  Consideration of applications will begin December 15, 2017 and will continue until all positions have been filled.



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