您的位置:中国博士人才网 > 科研院所招聘 > 深圳湾实验室2022年全球学术人才招聘 Principal Investigators in Shenzhen Bay Laboratory


深圳湾实验室2022年全球学术人才招聘 Principal Investigators in Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

时间:2022-04-20来源:中国博士人才网 作者:佚名

一、实验室简介 Introduction to SZBL




Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, hereinafter referred to as SZBL, is a newly established Guangdong Provincial Laboratory. Located in the heart of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, SZBL aspires to be a world-class research institution and intellectual destination dedicated to understanding the fundamental biology underlying health and diseases.

The overarching aim of SZBL is to provide comprehensive and whole-of-life approaches to disease prevention and intervention with bio-inspired technology to explore bioinformatics, biomedicine and medical imaging. Key focuses of research include cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, neurological and psychiatric disorders, and infectious diseases.

As a burgeoning institution, SZBL has convened more than 80 research groups with transdisciplinary backgrounds and professional expertise to push forward the vision of “Science for Global Health”. For more information about SZBL and its research, please visit https://www.szbl.ac.cn/.

二、招聘对象 Positions and Qualifications






神经疾病研究所:建成以研究与治疗重大神经疾病为目标的世界一流研究机构,重点攻克老年痴呆症、自闭症、 抑郁症、睡眠障碍等神经疾病机制, 联合分子生物学、合成化学、药物化学、计算和生物信息学、生物医学工程等多领域科学家协同攻关,研发用于治疗老年痴呆症等重大神经疾病的方法和药物。




分子生理学研究所:集中研究分子生物学和生理过程的分子基础,使用分子生物学产生的概念和技术推动生理学研究。分子生理学研究所的重点研究方向包括:(1)分子生物学基本原理如基因表达调控的动态过程及功能、DNA 损伤修复机制等;(2)分子生物学技术如基因编辑、分子动态标记、基因治疗等; (3)基本的生理学如传染病感染机制、神经免疫调节、睡眠机理等。





SZBL strives to deliver cutting-edge technology to the global scientific community through worldwide innovation and collaboration with experts. We are looking for the brightest minds to help us achieve our goals.

Principal Investigator positions at ranks of Junior Principal Investigator (Junior PI, Tenure-track Assistant Professor level) and Senior Principal Investigator (Senior PI, Tenured Professor level) are open now. 

Doctorate and Postdoctoral experience are required for a junior Principal Investigator position. The applicants at this rank should be young talented researchers who show productive and creative mind revealed by his or her research record and research plan. The first employment term is five years with a one-year extension if needed. Based on the final appraisal result, the assessment committee will decide whether a tenured position should be awarded to the Junior PI or not.

Applicants for Senior Principal Investigator should possess a tenured associate professor or professor position or equivalent position at other institutions. The applicants at this rank are expected to be distinguished researchers with international recognition and an extraordinary track record in publications and research funding.

We particularly welcome outstanding applicants whose research is related to the fields of cancer research, neurological and psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, infectious diseases, systems and information biology, physical biology, mechanobiology, big data and AI, molecular biology, physiology, chemical biology, medical imaging, drug discovery, vaccine, biomimetic nanomaterials, neurostructural biology,  molecular immunology, stem cell, quantitative synthetic biology, and bioactive materials.

三、岗位职责 Job Responsibilities





1.Leading a research group and conducting independent and creative scientific research in line with the general mission and strategic plan of SZBL;

2.Writing proposals to apply for various internal and external (including national and regional) research projects and grants;

3.Managing a lab, guiding and supervising graduates and other group members;

4.Providing professional and public service to SZBL, including but not limited to academic conferences, talent recruitment and cooperation with other institutions and firms.

四、薪酬福利与其他待遇 Compensation and Benefits







Qualified candidates will receive an internationally competitive salary, sufficient start-up funds, lab space, office space and state-of-the-art core facilities. Assistance will be provided in applying for national and regional talent awards and subsides. Other benefits provided by SZBL include insurance and housing fund, supplementary medical insurance, annual physical examination, paid annual leave, public rental housing, and children’s education. For international staff, we also help them to apply for work permit, residence permit and foreign tax preference.

五、应聘材料及联系方式 Application Guide


1. Cover letter;

2. Curriculum vitae, including lists of publications and research funding;

3. Research summary and research plan;

4. Names, affiliations and contact details of references, 3 references for junior PI,and 5 to 10 references for senior PI.

将上述材料合并为一个PDF文件后发送至深圳湾实验室人事部招聘邮箱:hr_pi@szbl.ac.cn。邮件标题请注明:意向研究所/中心+岗位 。



Required Application documents:

1.Cover letter;

2.Curriculum vitae (including lists of publications and research funding);

3.Research summary and research plan;

4.Names, affiliations and contact details of references, 3 references for junior PI,and 5 to 10 references for senior PI.

Please send the required application documents in a single PDF file by email to hr_pi@szbl.ac.cn. The email subject should be the title of the position for which you are applying, and your contact information, name, telephone number, should be included in email content.

All personal information provided to SZBL during the application process will be handled in strict confidentiality, and will not be disclosed to any third party. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated upon receipt, and positions will remain open in the whole year of 2021.

SZBL is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applicants from all sections of the community.


