您的位置:中国博士人才网 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 爱尔兰国立高威大学生物与化学科学学院2024年招聘博士后



时间:2024-05-10来源:中国博士人才网 作者:佚名


爱尔兰高威大学(University of Galway),前身为1845年成立的高威女王学院,是爱尔兰最古老和最富盛名的公立研究型大学之一。隶属于爱尔兰国立大学联盟,亦是欧洲顶尖大学联盟科英布拉集团成员高校。校园坐落在2020年度欧洲文化之都 [5]—高威市风景秀丽的Corrib河岸上,距离高威市中心仅需花费10余分钟的步行时间。

Post Doctoral Researcher

National University of Ireland, Galway

Postdoctoral Researcher – PRISMA, 1 FTE, School of Biological and Chemical Science, 010349

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a full-time, fixed term position as a Postdoctoral Researcher within the Sustainability Section of the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences and the Ryan Institute at the University of Galway, Ireland.

The position is available in the group of Dr Alexandre de Menezes in collaboration with Dr Aaron Golden, at the University of Galway. As part of this One Health-focused project, information on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) environmental drivers will be collected from public sources such as government agencies and remote sensing, followed by data curation, database development, spatial mapping, and predictive modelling.

This position is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and is available immediately to the contract end date of 30th April 2026.

Salary: Postdoctoral Researcher salary scale 欧元43,907 - 欧元56,202 per annum (subject to the project's funding limitations), and pro rata for shorter and/or part-time contracts.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 17:00 (Irish Time) on Monday 27th May 2024 . It will not be possible to consider applications received after the closing date. Please review full job description for further details and essential requirements.


