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时间:2019-03-15来源:中国博士人才网 作者:佚名



  哈佛医学院波士顿儿童医院内分泌科的Ozcan实验室(www.ozcanlab.com)有两个博士后职位。研究内质网应激信号在控制下丘脑代谢平衡、神经元活动和瘦素抵抗中的作用。感兴趣的候选人可以查看我们在这方面的最新出版物,更好地了解研究领域:A.Ozcan L等。细胞代谢。2009年1月7日;9(1):35-51。内质网应激对瘦素抵抗的发展起着中心作用。B.Liu J等人,细胞。2015年5月21日;161(5):999-1011。西乐司特治疗肥胖。C.Lee J等人,自然医学。2016年9月;22(9):1023-32。withaferin A是一种瘦素致敏剂,对小鼠有很强的抗糖尿病作用。D.Feng X等,自然医学。2019年3月4日—在线出版。IL1R1是celastrol瘦素致敏和抗肥胖作用所必需的。两个职位的理想候选人都应该拥有博士、硕士或硕士/博士学位,在神经科学和分子生物学方面有很强的经验,这一点在知名期刊的同行评审出版物中很明显。第一位需要在神经元单细胞电生理记录的膜片钳技术的专业知识。该职位的候选人必须具备神经元电生理记录和立体定向手术方面的专业知识。对于第二个职位,候选人应具备神经科学研究和分子生物学方面的专业知识:具有代谢内稳态中央控制经验的候选人将优先获得第二个职位。感兴趣的学员应将他们的研究兴趣、履历以及三名推荐人的姓名和联系方式转发给Umut Ozcan博士;电子邮件:umut.ozcan@children.harvard.edu。


  Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Harvard Medical School For Obesity-Related Neuroscience Research

  Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Ozcan Laboratory (www.ozcanlab.com) in the Division of Endocrinology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. The positions are offered to study the role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signaling in hypothalamic control of metabolic homeostasis, neuron activity and leptin resistance in obesity. The interested candidates can check our recent publications in this area to understand the area of research better: a. Ozcan L, et al. Cell Metabolism. 2009 Jan 7;9(1):35-51. Endoplasmic reticulum stress plays a central role in development of leptin resistance. b. Liu J et al., Cell. 2015 May 21;161(5):999-1011. Treatment of obesity with celastrol. c. Lee J et al., Nature Medicine. 2016 Sep;22(9):1023-32. Withaferin A is a leptin sensitizer with strong antidiabetic properties in mice. d. Feng X, et al., Nature Medicine. 2019 March 4-Online publication. IL1R1 is required for celastrol’s leptin-sensitization and antiobesity effects. The ideal candidates for both positions should have a Ph.D., M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. degrees with strong experience in neuroscience and molecular biology evident by peer-reviewed publications in reputable journals. Position one requires expertise in patch clamp technique for single cell electrophysiological recording of neurons. Candidates for this position must have expertise in electrophysiological recordings of neurons and stereotaxic surgeries. For position two, candidates should have expertise in neuroscience research and molecular biology: candidates with prior experience in central control of metabolic homeostasis will be given priority for position two. Interestedcandidates should forward their research interests, curriculum vitae along with the name and contact information of three referees to Dr. Umut Ozcan; e-mail: umut.ozcan@childrens.harvard.edu.


