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时间:2019-04-11来源:中国博士人才网 作者:佚名



  实验室专注于前再生生物学,即组织检测伤口以启动愈合、炎症、再生和癌症的机制(Niethammer等人,Nature,2009;Enyedi等人,Nature Cell Biology;2013;Enyedi等人,Cell,2016;Huang等人,Immunity,2018)。我们通过定量成像在各种模型系统(包括活斑马鱼)中处理这些机制。项目可以在生物力学,化学和时空调节伤口检测。


  Postdoctoral Scholar in Pre-Regenerative Biology

  @Niethammer Lab, Sloan Kettering Institute, New York City, USA

  The lab focuses on Pre-Regenerative Biology, namely, the mechanisms by which tissues detect wounds to initiate healing, inflammation, regeneration, and cancer (Niethammer et al., Nature, 2009; Enyedi et al., Nature Cell Biology; 2013; Enyedi et al., Cell, 2016; Huang et al., Immunity, 2018). We address these mechanisms by quantitative imaging in various model systems including live zebrafish. Projects are available on the biomechanical, chemical, and spatiotemporal regulation of wound detection.

  Successful candidates will have access to:

  • A vibrant, collaborative working environment with excellent instrumental and intellectual resources for pursuing innovative research and career development.

  • Initial funding for at least two years pending on performance. MSKCC postdoctoral fellowships are available for outstanding candidates.

  • Competitive salary & subsidized Manhattan housing.

  Application Requirements:

  • Candidates must be within one year of obtaining their PhD.

  • CV with a complete publication list.

  • Statement of research goals and interests.

  For inquiries:

  Philipp Niethammer, PhD;

  e-mail: niethamp@mskcc.org

  Website: https://www.mskcc.org/research/ski/labs/philipp-niethammer


